Accurately predicting interactive road agents' future trajectories and planning a socially compliant and human-like trajectory accordingly are important for autonomous vehicles. In this paper, we propose a planning-centric prediction neural network, which takes surrounding agents' historical states and map context information as input, and outputs the joint multi-modal prediction trajectories for surrounding agents, as well as a sequence of control commands for the ego vehicle by imitation learning. An agent-agent interaction module along the time axis is proposed in our network architecture to better comprehend the relationship among all the other intelligent agents on the road. To incorporate the map's topological information, a Dynamic Graph Convolutional Neural Network (DGCNN) is employed to process the road network topology. Besides, the whole architecture can serve as a backbone for the Differentiable Integrated motion Prediction with Planning (DIPP) method by providing accurate prediction results and initial planning commands. Experiments are conducted on real-world datasets to demonstrate the improvements made by our proposed method in both planning and prediction accuracy compared to the previous state-of-the-art methods.
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Medical image segmentation (MIS) is essential for supporting disease diagnosis and treatment effect assessment. Despite considerable advances in artificial intelligence (AI) for MIS, clinicians remain skeptical of its utility, maintaining low confidence in such black box systems, with this problem being exacerbated by low generalization for out-of-distribution (OOD) data. To move towards effective clinical utilization, we propose a foundation model named EvidenceCap, which makes the box transparent in a quantifiable way by uncertainty estimation. EvidenceCap not only makes AI visible in regions of uncertainty and OOD data, but also enhances the reliability, robustness, and computational efficiency of MIS. Uncertainty is modeled explicitly through subjective logic theory to gather strong evidence from features. We show the effectiveness of EvidenceCap in three segmentation datasets and apply it to the clinic. Our work sheds light on clinical safe applications and explainable AI, and can contribute towards trustworthiness in the medical domain.
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Technology advancements in wireless communications and high-performance Extended Reality (XR) have empowered the developments of the Metaverse. The demand for Metaverse applications and hence, real-time digital twinning of real-world scenes is increasing. Nevertheless, the replication of 2D physical world images into 3D virtual world scenes is computationally intensive and requires computation offloading. The disparity in transmitted scene dimension (2D as opposed to 3D) leads to asymmetric data sizes in uplink (UL) and downlink (DL). To ensure the reliability and low latency of the system, we consider an asynchronous joint UL-DL scenario where in the UL stage, the smaller data size of the physical world scenes captured by multiple extended reality users (XUs) will be uploaded to the Metaverse Console (MC) to be construed and rendered. In the DL stage, the larger-size 3D virtual world scenes need to be transmitted back to the XUs. The decisions pertaining to computation offloading and channel assignment are optimized in the UL stage, and the MC will optimize power allocation for users assigned with a channel in the UL transmission stage. Some problems arise therefrom: (i) interactive multi-process chain, specifically Asynchronous Markov Decision Process (AMDP), (ii) joint optimization in multiple processes, and (iii) high-dimensional objective functions, or hybrid reward scenarios. To ensure the reliability and low latency of the system, we design a novel multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm structure, namely Asynchronous Actors Hybrid Critic (AAHC). Extensive experiments demonstrate that compared to proposed baselines, AAHC obtains better solutions with preferable training time.
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Identifying named entities such as a person, location or organization, in documents can highlight key information to readers. Training Named Entity Recognition (NER) models requires an annotated data set, which can be a time-consuming labour-intensive task. Nevertheless, there are publicly available NER data sets for general English. Recently there has been interest in developing NER for legal text. However, prior work and experimental results reported here indicate that there is a significant degradation in performance when NER methods trained on a general English data set are applied to legal text. We describe a publicly available legal NER data set, called E-NER, based on legal company filings available from the US Securities and Exchange Commission's EDGAR data set. Training a number of different NER algorithms on the general English CoNLL-2003 corpus but testing on our test collection confirmed significant degradations in accuracy, as measured by the F1-score, of between 29.4\% and 60.4\%, compared to training and testing on the E-NER collection.
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The Metaverse can be considered the extension of the present-day web, which integrates the physical and virtual worlds, delivering hyper-realistic user experiences. The inception of the Metaverse brings forth many ecosystem services such as content creation, social entertainment, in-world value transfer, intelligent traffic, healthcare. These services are compute-intensive and require computation offloading onto a Metaverse edge computing server (MECS). Existing Metaverse edge computing approaches do not efficiently and effectively handle resource allocation to ensure a fluid, seamless and hyper-realistic Metaverse experience required for Metaverse ecosystem services. Therefore, we introduce a new Metaverse-compatible, Unified, User and Task (UUT) centered artificial intelligence (AI)- based mobile edge computing (MEC) paradigm, which serves as a concept upon which future AI control algorithms could be built to develop a more user and task-focused MEC.
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Federated Deep Learning frameworks can be used strategically to monitor Land Use locally and infer environmental impacts globally. Distributed data from across the world would be needed to build a global model for Land Use classification. The need for a Federated approach in this application domain would be to avoid transfer of data from distributed locations and save network bandwidth to reduce communication cost. We use a Federated UNet model for Semantic Segmentation of satellite and street view images. The novelty of the proposed architecture is the integration of Knowledge Distillation to reduce communication cost and response time. The accuracy obtained was above 95% and we also brought in a significant model compression to over 17 times and 62 times for street View and satellite images respectively. Our proposed framework has the potential to be a game-changer in real-time tracking of climate change across the planet.
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Focusing on the complicated pathological features, such as blurred boundaries, severe scale differences between symptoms, background noise interference, etc., in the task of retinal edema lesions joint segmentation from OCT images and enabling the segmentation results more reliable. In this paper, we propose a novel reliable multi-scale wavelet-enhanced transformer network, which can provide accurate segmentation results with reliability assessment. Specifically, aiming at improving the model's ability to learn the complex pathological features of retinal edema lesions in OCT images, we develop a novel segmentation backbone that integrates a wavelet-enhanced feature extractor network and a multi-scale transformer module of our newly designed. Meanwhile, to make the segmentation results more reliable, a novel uncertainty segmentation head based on the subjective logical evidential theory is introduced to generate the final segmentation results with a corresponding overall uncertainty evaluation score map. We conduct comprehensive experiments on the public database of AI-Challenge 2018 for retinal edema lesions segmentation, and the results show that our proposed method achieves better segmentation accuracy with a high degree of reliability as compared to other state-of-the-art segmentation approaches. The code will be released on:
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Spiking neural networks (SNN) are a viable alternative to conventional artificial neural networks when energy efficiency and computational complexity are of importance. A major advantage of SNNs is their binary information transfer through spike trains. The training of SNN has, however, been a challenge, since neuron models are non-differentiable and traditional gradient-based backpropagation algorithms cannot be applied directly. Furthermore, spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP), albeit being a spike-based learning rule, updates weights locally and does not optimize for the output error of the network. We present desire backpropagation, a method to derive the desired spike activity of neurons from the output error. The loss function can then be evaluated locally for every neuron. Incorporating the desire values into the STDP weight update leads to global error minimization and increasing classification accuracy. At the same time, the neuron dynamics and computational efficiency of STDP are maintained, making it a spike-based supervised learning rule. We trained three-layer networks to classify MNIST and Fashion-MNIST images and reached an accuracy of 98.41% and 87.56%, respectively. Furthermore, we show that desire backpropagation is computationally less complex than backpropagation in traditional neural networks.
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Missing data is a common concern in health datasets, and its impact on good decision-making processes is well documented. Our study's contribution is a methodology for tackling missing data problems using a combination of synthetic dataset generation, missing data imputation and deep learning methods to resolve missing data challenges. Specifically, we conducted a series of experiments with these objectives; $a)$ generating a realistic synthetic dataset, $b)$ simulating data missingness, $c)$ recovering the missing data, and $d)$ analyzing imputation performance. Our methodology used a gaussian mixture model whose parameters were learned from a cleaned subset of a real demographic and health dataset to generate the synthetic data. We simulated various missingness degrees ranging from $10 \%$, $20 \%$, $30 \%$, and $40\%$ under the missing completely at random scheme MCAR. We used an integrated performance analysis framework involving clustering, classification and direct imputation analysis. Our results show that models trained on synthetic and imputed datasets could make predictions with an accuracy of $83 \%$ and $80 \%$ on $a) $ an unseen real dataset and $b)$ an unseen reserved synthetic test dataset, respectively. Moreover, the models that used the DAE method for imputed yielded the lowest log loss an indication of good performance, even though the accuracy measures were slightly lower. In conclusion, our work demonstrates that using our methodology, one can reverse engineer a solution to resolve missingness on an unseen dataset with missingness. Moreover, though we used a health dataset, our methodology can be utilized in other contexts.
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行星漫游者任务必须利用基于机器学习的感知来继续发生地球外探索,几乎没有人类的存在。火星地形细分对于漫游车导航和避免危害至关重要,以执行进一步的探索性任务,例如土壤样品收集和寻找有机化合物。当前的火星地形细分模型需要大量标记的数据才能实现可接受的性能,还需要重新培训以在不同域中的部署,即不同的漫游者任务或不同的任务,即地质识别和导航。这项研究提出了一种半监督的学习方法,该方法利用了骨干的无监督对比度预处理,用于对火星表面的多效率语义分割。该模型将通过使用混合域训练套件来确保具有多样性的混合域训练套件,从而扩展到当前的火星分割能力,以便在不同的火星漫游者任务中部署以进行地形导航。使用平均像素精度的评估结果表明,与单个领域训练和监督培训相比,半监督的混合域方法通过达到火星科学实验室的好奇心漫游者的精度为97%,MARS 2020 Perseverance Perseverance Rover提高了精度。 。此外,使用召回度量与标准的跨透镜损失相比,使用召回度量的损失功能提供不同的权重方法将对少数族裔或稀有类别的模型提高了30%以上。这些结果可以以数据效率的方式为Rover任务提供未来的多任务和多任务语义细分。
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